If a large rounded hips and buttocks now, although the fashion, belly and hips remain the most problematic areas for girls who want to have a sophisticated silhouette. In anticipation of the holidays, the question of how to lose weight fast the stomach and sides is more than acute, since all, even the most beautiful dress looks not so impressive with a big belly. Well try to cover all the nuances of this problem and give effective advice that will help you quickly lose weight, not just belly and sides, but the shape of the delicate waist. The following advice below and perform the most effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and back at home, you can get rid of the so-called rescue, but how fast can you lose weight in this area will depend on your efforts and, of course, from the original amount.

Before giving tips and examples as well as exercises that help lose belly fat and thighs, it is necessary to warn that you can lose weight in just one specific area of the body is simply impossible. You can just make more attention to problem areas in our case the abdomen and pelvis, which accumulated too much fat.
So fat, one of the articles we have already raised the topic of the fat, but maybe worth repeating, because some of the misconceptions firmly lodged in the minds of many dieters. For some reason, many people think that exercises which involve the abdominal muscles help to burn abdominal fat in addition, I think that if you take any weight, the effect is stronger. This is an absolute myth, you'll really pump the muscles of the abdomen to reduce belly fat appears to a minor extent, in addition to the exercises with extra weight, muscles will grow, making the abdomen more convex. To say that exercises for slimming the abdomen can be achieved with only 20% of the total effect of reducing body fat in the abdominal area, this is a flat stomach, you need to apply a complex of measures, which we will discuss below.
Now, another misconception that bends with dumbbells makes the waist thinner and burn fat in this area, nonsense! So you can build muscle and the waist has just become visually larger, and if we don't do tilt, only without the weighting.
Eating weight loss belly and sides
The first thing you need to pay attention to, and change is, of course, the daily diet, without repair, that even the most effective exercise for weight loss belly becomes ineffective. About proper nutrition, counting calories and things like that has been said, is not enough, however, there are basic rules of nutrition that you can lose weight and reduce the volume of the stomach and sides.
- try to reduce the use, and it is better to exclude completely from the diet, at least for some time weight loss fast carbohydrates (sugar and foods containing it, bakery products, etc.);
- try to prepare meals with less salt, because salt retains water in the body, which occurs in the swelling;
- eat small portions (200 g) 4-5 times a day;
- do not ignore water balance, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of purified water a day, this will speed up the metabolism, which ultimately positively affect the process of weight loss in the abdominal area, including;
- replace fatty meat and fish weight. Lean meat: chicken, Turkey, beef, veal, rabbit meat. Lean fish: hake, Pollock, carp, perch, Pollock, carp, mullet, pike, cod, bream, flounder;
- because the method of preparation, rather for baking, boiling, stewing, steaming.
The rules of home exercises for weight loss belly and sides

- The most effective time to exercise for weight loss belly and sides of the home is in the morning when you have not had Breakfast, or after 2-3 hours after the morning meal. It was at this time much more intense, the body burns fat, which is not the so-called "download".
- If you want to lose weight in stomach and sides, forget about the different weights, all exercises for slimming the abdomen and back, you need to make, uses only your own body weight. By the way, you can build muscle, which will give visual volume growth.
- In order to achieve results you must follow a regular exercise routine, avoiding long pauses. In addition, I do home exercises for weight loss belly and sides you need to adjust the intensity of your workouts, and you don't give yourself any favors, a feeling of mild fatigue.
- Alternative exercises for slimming the abdomen with the heart load, this combination can rid you of excess fat in the abdominal area much faster. It is also necessary to alternate exercises for different amplitudes implementation.
- In order to lose weight in the stomach and in the pages of just 2-3 workouts a week, one class, choose 3-4 exercises and perform them one after the other three sets of each exercise, which should consist of 25-30 repetitions.
Wrap-slimming abdomen and sides of the home
One of the most affordable and effective ways to remove fat from the abdomen and form a beautiful and slim waist at home is a wrap. So how does the wrap affect the process of weight loss and I can use the Hoop to remove belly and flanks? During the rotation of the Hoop, you can use and maintain the tone of the abdominal muscles, back, thighs, buttocks and calves. However, you are not only make the muscles during exercise Hoop, you can burn calories and improve blood flow to the stomach and speed up metabolism in General, which leads to the active burning fat. In addition to using wrap for weight loss belly, you can get rid of cellulite in this area. At first glance, it is quite simple, wrap yourself in a cool and reduce waist, get rid of belly and sides, but when faced with weight loss Hoop, raises several questions, which we try to find the answers.
What is the Hoop better and more efficiently for weight loss?
If you are a beginner and you still have to learn how to roll a Hoop, before you start actively using it for weight loss worth to buy Rim easier, for example, aluminum (hollow inside) or plastic. So you quickly can learn how to perform the technique and burn calories. When you hone your technique, you can use weighted hoops or, as I have already purchased aluminum (hollow) filled with sand or a pea, in a word, all that comes to mind, the main goal weight. Weighted hula Hoop (1.5-3 kg) will help to lose weight abdomen and to repair some of the contours of the waist.
In order to lose weight in the abdominal area, get rid of the bulging sides and the cellulite in this area, recommended to the Hoop. Such a band is the surface of the massage balls, which can cope with not only belly fat, but it's annoying cellulite.
When buying a Hoop, always make sure that the wrap fit your height, you can do this, stand straight, place the Hoop on the floor in front of him and paste it in the body, the upper edge of the Hoop should reach the level of the lower ribs. Just buy the wrap, make sure that the entire surface is smooth and there is no chipping and other defects. When you buy a massage Hoop, make sure that the built surface of the wrapped balls were soft and rotate around its axis.
How and how much to hula-Hoop, which would be to get rid of belly and sides?
In the early stages, begin to twist the Hoop for 5-7 minutes at a time, each new lesson, gradually increase the time to 45 minutes. Another important aspect that is taken into account, this is the time when you start to rotate the Hoop, i.e. two hours before or two hours after a meal. Otherwise, you can cause great harm to their health.

Remove belly wrap, it is necessary to twist, twist, and did not catch his falling to do this, you must do rotational movements of the lower part of the body with a small amplitude. Keep your feet shoulder width or slightly wider, slightly bending his knees. The abdominal muscles and the lower back all the time to keep in suspense. Rotate the Hoop clockwise need, without making sudden movements that would neither injure the lower back. Don't worry if you only can hula-Hoop for a long time, believe me, the correct technique of execution will come with time. In the course of employment with a Hoop, and keep breathing, it should not be intermittent. Proper breathing helps to speed up metabolism, which in turn accelerate the burning of body fat.
Hoop exercise for weight loss stomach
The research revealed the three most effective exercises that will help get rid of stomach, you can do one exercise for one session or do them together, making the workout more varied. However, remember that in the early stages it is better to do a normal pace to the Hoop and only after that, when you achieve a good technique to bypass the effective and more complex exercises with a Hoop.
- Exercise with the Hoop "Yoga spin"Stand up straight, feet together, arms bend at the elbow, the fingers collect the castle behind. Elbows, spreading them apart. Twist the Hoop, making a smooth circular motion (small amplitude) from side to side. Do 88 rotates in one direction and 88 rotates in the other direction. One of the most important aspects of this exercise is breathing, try to breathe for a few seconds, hold your breath and while most involve the stomach. In the early stages, do 2 repeat both directions, each category increase the number of repetitions 7.
- Exercise with the Hoop, the "Rotation of the planet"This exercise is slightly more challenging, place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width and hands behind head. Start spinning the Hoop clockwise, make a few turns of the Hoop, and then actually began to turn slowly around its axis, after the Rim (on the right). Perform 10 twists to the right and 10 on the left.
- Exercise belly "Celestial arrow" - a rather complex task, which helps to eliminate belly fat with wrap, requires good physical preparation and developing balance. The body should resemble a clock hand, feet together, rising on tiptoe (tiptoe) lift your hands over your head and lock your fingers. In this position, rotate the Hoop, the speed of the exercise is not important. Perform each exercise for 10 minutes.
- Exercise is also quite complex, but very effective in the fight against a big belly. To strengthen the position of the legs together (tightly appressed to each other), hands behind head. Rotate the Hoop for 5 minutes in one direction and 5 minutes to the second, when the leg should remain completely motionless. Only works on the axis of the pelvis.
Remember that to get rid of the abdomen by means of the Hoop need to maintain the regularity of your own training-and, of course, adhere to the diet. Do not use the wrap during a menstrual period, your pregnancy at any time during childbirth, and diseases of the liver, the kidneys and inflammation of the ovaries.
If exercises with a Hoop to a flat stomach is not enough or you just want to add variety to your workouts and alternate the load on different areas of the abdomen, we bring you the most effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and back that you can easily do at home. This is not the standard crunches and abdominal exercises, because they are not in any way affect the fat gathered in the abdomen, but only to pump up the abdominal muscles, this exercise, that you can really burn fat. You can choose to exercise some of the exercises or perform them to the proposed order.
Exercises for belly slimming

Plank for a flat stomach. Starting position: kneel down, palms rest on the floor, head down, face on the floor. Then pull the belly, straining the abdominal muscles, pelvic curl in on themselves, then get down to the bent elbow. Your elbows should be directly below the shoulder joints. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, constantly tighten your abdominal muscles. Then straighten your legs, moving the classic plank on elbows, and hold this position for 6-8 accounts. Then get down on your knees and pull forward, stretching the muscles. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.