Proper nutrition for weight loss

Rate your current diet, how it really is. A healthy diet should include:

  • vegetable proteins;
  • proteins of animal origin;
  • slow carbohydrates;
  • a quick but useful carbohydrates;
  • vegetable fats.
proper nutrition for weight loss

Based on all the same proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but we need to understand what products to choose, to Supplement the body with nutrients, but not calories-just a shell.

Why are we constantly hungry? Because we eat junk products. Take, for example, the usual sandwich with sausage. See what you can eat:

  • Bread, white refined flour E-additives and sugar. Bread is a high glycemic index, sugar it even higher, nutrients – 0 (because the flour is refined). What we call bread, points you in the stomach gluten. You can feel a pleasant feeling of satiety, but the digestive tract you don't say thank you, because the body is nothing, but junk is not received.
  • Sausage is solid chemistry E-additives, stabilizers, sugar, and MSG. Even if you don't eat meat, its purpose is to benefit, and will be nothing compared to the damage that causes the chemistry of the body. Pleasant feeling only. But all of the stomach turns into a heavy and useless work. With the same success you can eat a few plastic bags.
  • Coffee in small amounts is useful, but only if it's fresh drink. If it is the first caffeine fix of nine per day, the cardiovascular system works in wear. But if you don't drink coffee on an empty stomach, gastritis is the future of diagnosis.

Thus, at Breakfast we got a sharp jump in the sugar, the excessive doping of coffee on the heart and the white gluten. But we haven't had lunch yet! Try to eat more healthy? Don't worry, it's easier than it seems.


The best proteins are proteins of plant origin. These are:

  • bean;
  • seeds;
  • nuts.

When you eat a serving of peas, you saturate your body with plant protein. When you add healthy cakes sunflower seeds or flax you can add crude fibre to protein. Finally, any useful delicacy, combined with the nuts fill you up with good protein.

If you don't have a shortage of plant protein, animal protein is not necessary that the number, which we decided to eat. However, the deletion of such a protein is not necessary. Dose of fish, chicken or lean beef and a variety of dairy products as well as a variety of the diet. Most importantly, how to prepare. But we cover a little less than.


The main enemies and at the same time the most important friends. Without carbohydrates your body does not get energy. Experts say that the average diet the average person should be 65% carbohydrates, but if we lose weight, this number should be reduced to 45%.

Carbohydrates are quickly and slowly. First put the sugar in the blood and do it quickly. If you eat fast food, you should notice how quickly you want to eat again. This is due to the spikes in blood sugar.

Slow put the sugar slowly, giving a longer feeling of satiety. Here they are just what we need. Slow carbs are foods with a low glycemic index, fiber and absolutely natural:

  • bakery products raw flour;
  • unprocessed cereals;
  • fruits;
  • dried fruit;
  • vegetables.
recipes for weight loss

Dried fruits and parts of fruits with a high glycemic index, for example, bananas, watermelons and cantaloupes. But because of their naturalness, they may at times small amounts in the morning because in the morning your metabolism faster than in the evening. Is the basics of nutrition.


Like fats, they should not be afraid. Until recently, nutritionists thought that fat responsible for excess weight, but they are more to blame cholesterol, and it is only animal fat (margarine, butter). Vegetable oil woes not try to eat a few spoonfuls of vegetable oil – this is impossible and tasteless, but a teaspoon of filling in a salad – different story.

Don't be afraid of fatty food. Hard dieting can be, and have to sit in the yogurt 0%, but we eat right, not just next week, and for a lifetime, so choose a variety of products. Today, cottage cheese with fat content of 1%, tomorrow – 15%. Fats help in the absorption of other nutrients, proteins. Completely fat-free, so you can't.

As you can see, the list is quite impressive. So much for us, there are no limits. The menu only appears openly harmful products, and it is still the most delicious and nutritious. But there is another thing that we need to discuss.

Manufacturing methods


  • cooking;
  • shut down;
  • bake.

Fry, but use a large amount of oil has a negative effect on the product. At high temperatures the structure changes, the release of carcinogenic substances. If the meat is baked in foil or vapor, such as dressing, you can use lemon juice, spices and butter.

Cooking is only good when you need to cook the protein dish. Like carbohydrates, so it is better to try not to care or to do so with minimal effort.

  • the grain is better than boiled steamed, if necessary;
  • vegetables eaten raw or lightly cooked if necessary;
  • fruit eat only fresh.

When dealing with food carbohydrates, their damaged tissue. No scientific studies not need, to eat fresh cabbage leaves and try to do the same with cabbage. In the second case, no fiber, no vitamins.

In the winter without question – a little stewed and baked vegetables are very welcome. In the warmer seasons eat all fresh.


Already a fairly common truth that the meals should be small portions, but often. This is good advice and it should adhere to. The stomach is not stretched, you are always welcome, and the body gets the required.

Make 5 – 6 food intake per day every 3 – 3.5 hours, no longer need to. A full meal comes down and a snack. The main thing that he was.

If for some reason you don't have to eat, it's not scary. But only if it is the exception and not the trend. Concessions are not allowed for Breakfast. This is so important to meals that without it anywhere.

Drinking system

You can start to lose weight if you drink a lot. A lot is not filled with water. 2 – 3 years total is enough.


Water starts the metabolic processes to cope with the toxins, nourishes tissues. If there is a lack of fluid, all of these processes slow down.

Water applied directly to the clean fresh water, natural, fruit, juices, fruits, vegetables, mild green and herbal tea. Coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages, juices from the package in take more water than allowed and is not considered water.

That is, if you can drink 2 liters of water a day + fresh fruits, to supplement the body with the right amount of liquid.

So, our daily diet should be:

  1. consist of proteins, complex carbohydrates, vegetable fat;
  2. properly steamed or in the oven;
  3. divided into 4 – 6 meals;
  4. included is a drinking water treatment.

Healthy Breakfast for weight loss

The base we figured out, but still need individually to talk more about healthy Breakfast. Remember that it is very important? And all because:

  • you can speed up the metabolism;
  • normalize blood sugar, prevent it from racing;
  • don't eat too much at night;
  • to get most of the vitamins and minerals.

Breakfast was really useful, follow the simple rules.

  1. A glass of water before a meal. To start the process of digestion in the morning is difficult. I'm sure you know this. But the process was easy, enough to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Don't add anything, only drink water at room temperature. It is good for the stomach.
  2. Fruits before eating. Fresh fruits, you can eat after heavy meals, for example, when boiled eggs or meat. The fruits need about 15 minutes to digest, and meat – about 2 hours. Enrolling in stomach after meat, the fruit begins to ferment. Thus, constipation and indigestion. Make it a habit to eat fresh fruits before a meal. For example, one Apple or banana. So you can give your body easy to Wake up, to get vitamins and feel the power.
  3. Protein + complex carbohydrates. The main meal should consist of proteins and complex carbohydrates. For example, egg white omelet, vegetable salad.
  4. Drink 30 minutes after a meal. When you can eat a serving, wait half an hour before drinking a hot drink, coffee or tea. This is necessary in order not to disturb the digestion and does not dilute the gastric juice.
  5. Breakfast 30 minutes after waking up. Wake up, drink water immediately and then you can wait half an hour before eating. It is better not to wait, and immediately began to food. But you never know, what do we do in the morning – just not enough time. So remember: 30 minutes is all you can afford, so you need to eat a healthy Breakfast.


From theory to practice. There are great recipes for hearty and healthy dishes, which you will find useful.

One piece of advice – don't try to cook new dishes. Move gradually, one dish per day, and recipes with photos to help you with this. Still, the transition, even a proper diet, is difficult on the body and mind.

Pumpkin soup (easy)


  • 2 kg of fresh pumpkin;
  • 3 heads of young garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • half of a fennel;
  • 2 stalk of celery;
  • 1 tomato.


  1. Fennel, celery and onions cut into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Garlic finely chop.
  3. Saute the garlic, gradually adding to it pieces of celery, onion and fennel.
  4. The pumpkin is cleaned and cut into medium sized pieces.
  5. Tomato cut into cubes.
  6. Add the sliced tomatoes and pumpkin roasted.
  7. Like the vegetables over medium heat. Wait until the pumpkin softens.
  8. Leave all the ingredients in a blender and turn the soup into a puree.

Baked in foil fish

fish recipe


  • fillet of fish (pieces);
  • any vegetables (eg. carrot, cabbage, zucchini);
  • lamp;
  • vegetable oil;
  • natural spices.


  1. Fillet wash, dry. Cut into pieces, if needed.
  2. Put the foil, grease it with vegetable oil.
  3. Slice the onion into rings and put a few rings on the foil.
  4. On top of the rings, the venue, part of the fish.
  5. Add the pieces of vegetables that have been selected. They can be fried, but it is Correct.
  6. Add salt and season with spices.
  7. Bake the fish for 20-30 minutes.
  8. Serve to expand the foil.