How to lose 10 kg a month without harming your health

before and after losing 10 kg per month

You can lose weight without harming your health. But it must be done properly. If you want to lose 10 kilograms quickly in a month, then you should know that it is not safe to lose two and a half kilograms in 7 days. Doctors believe that excessive diets are stressful for the body.

Keep in mind that the norm is to lose no more than 700 grams per week. At the same time, you will not get tired of hunger strikes, just follow the recommendations and eat right. This type of food will not hurt you, even if it lasts longer. The sooner we lose weight, the harder it is to get back. Dietitians call this the "boomerang effect. "

How to lose 10 kg per month and not harm your health?

With dietary restrictions, the body begins to protect itself by storing fat reserves. And if you do not fast, the fat comes back twice. Obese people find it easier to lose the first ten pounds. It is true that they have to work hard to win back every next step.

is the result of losing 10 kg per month

Nutrition tips

If you ask the experts what it means to lose 10 kg a month without harming your health, they probably recommend eating separately. This means that proteins, carbohydrates and fats must enter the body at different times. In other words, the less acid you have on your plate, the simpler the meal and the more benefits. But we must not forget the sport. You can't lose weight by lying on the couch.

Fast diet restrictions

The types of calorie restriction recommended by nutritionists are called express diets. Some foods are banned for a short time. They will not cause serious harm to the body. The most popular types are:


This mild fast promises to lose up to four kilograms in 4 days.

The first day

They eat boiled rice and drink tomato juice. You can replace the drink with green tea (about two liters). Eat too much to avoid feeling hungry. Salt is limited.

The second day

Only low-fat cottage cheese with kefir is allowed. The amount of food should be normal.


Boiled chicken breast. Can be replaced with lean turkey. Drink only green tea. Sugar is excluded.

The fourth day

We carry out blood purification. During the day you should drink a glass of dry red wine (not port) in small portions. Eat unsalted cheese slices.

Single product diets

The duration of such diets is short (about a week). The most popular of them are kefir, Japanese, protein or buckwheat.


It is considered tough but effective. The promised effect is to lose up to a kilogram a day. Kefir is good for the stomach and intestines. Cleanses the body well of toxins. However, it can be used only after consulting a doctor. Many pop stars used this type of fasting. The basic principles are as follows: Drink 1. 5 liters of sugar-free kefir in small portions during the day. This is a clean diet that lasts for three days. However, if this method does not suit your taste, eat up to one kilogram of fruit per day. However, in this case, the kefir fast should be extended to one week.


It allows you to lose up to eight kilograms in a few weeks. There are several options. The first consists of protein foods and vegetables. There is a restriction for carbohydrates inside. The second option includes rice, vegetables, fruits, fish, beans, green tea and milk.


It can last up to two weeks. As the name suggests, it contains only protein products. Lean meat: beef, veal, chicken breast, cottage cheese and eggs. This type of food is suitable for young people who are actively involved in sports. It is not used more than once a year due to contraindications. It is better to consult a doctor.

Fasting days

This type of fasting is characterized by the purchase of only one product per day. Buckwheat helps to lose weight the most. You can lose 10-15 kilograms or more in two weeks. It is not difficult to prepare. In the evening you need to take 500 grams of good buckwheat, rinse and pour 1. 5 liters of boiling water. Then wrap the pot in a warm blanket and leave until the morning. It will be ready the next day. Drain excess water.

The resulting porridge is divided into four doses. In addition, you can drink a liter of low-fat kefir a day and eat vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, celery) or sour fruits.

The diets described limit carbohydrate intake and force the body to expend energy resources from our fat stores.

From this we can conclude that it is quite possible to lose 10 pounds a month with a combination of diets. As long as you do it carefully and without excessive enthusiasm. Of course, the given recipes will work differently for each person. This is due to the body's individual abilities, desire to exercise and proper nutrition.

Side effects

The desire to lose weight quickly can lead to fatigue, headaches and general weakness. Do not set a goal to lose weight by a certain date. It is better to do it slowly, but definitely, guaranteeing that the lost 10 pounds will not return. The key is to set goals and organize your diet properly. Before you start fasting, consult a dietitian and research the information you can find on the site.

About motivation

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. If you have the strength to fight your own laziness, you can be proud of the results. To motivate yourself, sometimes take a picture without wearing your clothes. To better evaluate the results. Do this at the beginning and end of the month.

Such pictures will delight you and encourage you to fight even harder for a beautiful body. If you do not want to do difficult crosses and fitness, you can replace them with brisk walking, light jogging and breathing exercises.

If you have the desire and desire to have a big body, you will find it in a few hours and gradually get rid of excess fat.